July 6th

After last weeks meeting with Jim, I really dug into the research phase of this project. My entire Monday was consumed with looking into different situations people have worked on in all parts of the world. It seems as though in most all cases the design of the object is not as important as making it so that it can become an entire economy to those using it. This can happen in many ways, sometimes through repair, sometimes through production. This is something that is going to weigh very heavily on design for underdeveloped countries, its also one of the major differences in the designs. As a industrialized developed nation of consumers our products, even with the current green movement are dispensable, We as a people are no longer concerned with repair appliances when they break. We simply buy new ones. I am not saying that is good or bad, its simply a current fact.

On Tuesday I went to museum and finished working with Tim on the Bike powered leaf blower concept model. The concept works, now comes the design ideas, what is it that we are trying to teach, with this model we could do so much. I am spending Monday afternoon working on different Ideas. I also decided that starting this week I would spend more time at the museum and hopefully that will make me start building some prototypes faster, just to get some more creativity flowing.

At this stage in the innovation process it is easy to get distracted that is why I have backed off working on the Greenway project slightly. I am attempting to focus my energy on the long road ahead and utilizing the summer to get a lot of my thesis built so that I can utilize the school year for revisions.


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